Pacific Rim Sound

Online CD Ordering -> Sapphire Chamber Consort

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Songs of Assurance

Sunday, May 20, 2007 - 2:30pm | Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis MN

The inagural concert of the Sapphire Chamber Consort, a new presenting organization of classical music. The program features an interconnected program of 20th and 21st century repertoire hosted by Alison Young of Classical Minnesota Public Radio.

Conducted by James Miller, the program includes works by Minnesota composers Abbie Betinis, Gene Gutchë, and features the world premiere of Sonnet 104 by St. Paul-based composer J. David Moore. Among the performers are local professional musicians well-known for championing new concert music.. Sponsored in part by The Schubert Club.

Price: $12.00 + shipping & applicable tax


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