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Clients and FriendsWe have worked with many ensembles and solo performers to record and produce a variety of products including full-length albums, compilation discs, event recordings, and demo CD's. Please let us know if you have linked to us and would like to be listed here. All links open in a new window. Minnesota Region/National Clients Carl Schroeder, composer - www.carlschroedermusic.com David Melby, singer/songwriter - www.davidmelby.com Deo Cantamus - www.deocantamus.org I Cantanti, chamber choir - www.icantanti-choirs.org Muziko Nova, St. Olaf College's new music association - www.stolaf.edu/orgs/nova Northfield High School Music Department Northfield Youth Choirs - www.northfieldyouthchoirs.org Sapphire Chamber Consort - www.sapphirechamberconsort.org St. Olaf College Music Department - www.stolaf.edu/depts/music St. Olaf Summer Music Camp - www.stolaf.edu/services/conferences/camps/musiccamp St. Olaf Records - www.stolafrecords.com
Alaska Region Clients Alaska Chamber Singers - www.alaskachambersingers.org Alaska Children's Choir - www.alaskachildrenschoir.net Anchorage Symphony Orchestra -www.anchoragesymphony.org Sitka Music Festival - www.sitkamusicfestival.org Sweet Adelines International Region 13 - www.sairegion13.org Top of the World Chorus, women's barbershop - www.topoftheworld.org United Methodist Church of Chugiak - www.gbgm-umc.org/chugiakumc
— Pacific Rim Sound - Classical & Acoustic
Recording since 1999 |
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